I am Ben Constable. A 2007 graduate of the Graphic Design program at Seneca College in Toronto.

I’m passionate about music! Whether I’m DJing at a wedding or just listening to tunes while I’m cleaning up, I love having a soundtrack to my life. My tastes have become quite eclectic over the years. With many thanks to many free Starbucks Song of the Week cards and those free iTunes samplers. Those are great! And I love opportunities to share those gems with others on all the social networks, via SoundHound or Path. And now Pinterest.

I also spent three years working at a retirement home because I love social interaction and helping people. There’s something so satisfying about that, and I don’t think its the Werther’s Originals I was rewarded with.

I’d love to fuse all of those things into one job. Not sure how realistic that is, but it’s worth a shot. Or at least a dream.

They call me Ben cuz I’m good at stuff.

I’ve developed quite the DVD & BluRay collection of both TV and movies, but only paid full-price for a couple of them. Everything comes down at some point. I wait for that point.

And I’ve got a mean fedora collection too.